▊ 2023年僑務委員會海外青年臺灣學習體驗營—第五梯次
「僑務委員會2023年海外青年臺灣學習體驗營」 印尼團將於12月16日至12月29日舉辦,為期兩週的活動中將以職業學校參訪為主軸,另安排產業參訪、青年交流、臺灣多元文化體驗以及生態環境探索等各種活動,讓學員對臺灣有更深入的認識。 在學校參訪的行程中,規劃中山高級工商職業學校、永平工商高級中學等2所產攜僑生專班技高端學校,同時也安排崑山科技大學及屏東科技大學2所二年制海青班副學士學校;各校將詳細介紹學制、教學特色及設施,並安排在臺就學的僑生分享就讀心得,再透過實作體驗課程及實習廠家的參訪,增進學員日後來臺就讀的意願,加強擴大生源的效果。
▊ 2023 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan Experience Program
"The 2023 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan Experience Program" will hold its Indonesian tour from December 16th to December 29th. During the two-week event, school visits will be the main focus, and other activities such as industry visits, youth exchanges, Taiwan\\'s multicultural experience, ecological environment exploration, and more, will allow students to have a deeper understanding of Taiwan. In the school visit itinerary, Chung Shan Industrial & Commercial School, Yung Ping Vocational High School, Kunshan University of Science and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology will be visited. Each school will introduce their school system, teaching features, and facilities in detail. Additionally, overseas students studying in Taiwan will share their study experience, followed by hands-on experience courses and field visits to enhance the students\\' understanding of studying in Taiwan in the future, and to expand the source of students.